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Planning Scheme

Planning Scheme 2017 V1.4

A planning scheme is a legal document prepared by a local council to regulate the use and development of land. 


On 16 December 2020, Council resolved to adopt Administrative Amendment 4 into the South Burnett Regional Council 2017. These amendments are reflected in the South Burnett Regional Council 2017 – Version 1.4 and commenced on 4 January 2021.

The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to amend, formatting, grammatical, spelling and mapping errors and corrects cross-references to planning scheme.

A full list of amendments made under the Administrative Amendment 4 is available here.

A consolidated version of the South Burnett Regional Council 2017 (Version 1.4), including the administrative amendment can be viewed online here.


Council resolved to make a major amendment to its current planning scheme on 24 February 2021. Further by resolution at Council’s General Meeting on 20 July 2022 Council endorsed the proposed major amendment which has been prepared and submitted to the State Government for State Interest check under the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules. 

The amendment package is deemed to be a “major” amendment to the planning scheme requiring a formal State Interest review and public consultation prior to adoption by Council. Council has completed the public consultation phase and presented a report including summary of all public submissions to the April 2024 General Meeting.

Council at its meeting on 24 April 2024 resolved to adopt the Major Planning Scheme amendment and lodged the amendment package to the State Government for adoption.

Fact sheets

The following factsheets may assist you in understanding key aspects of the proposed Major Amendment No. 1 and its effect:

  • What is a planning scheme and how do I read a planning scheme - Fact Sheet 2
  • Summary of key proposed changes - Fact Sheet 3


Indicative Timeline

  13 July 2022 Council proposed to amend SBRC Plan - Completed 


August 2022 – October 2022 
November – December 2023
Queensland Government Review - Completed
  Monday 4 December 2023 to Monday 5 February 2024 Council to submit planning scheme for Final Queensland Government review – indicative timeframe subject to change

March 2024 to April 2024
May 2024 to June 2024

Council to review public submissions and make recommendations – indicative timeframe subject to change 
Council to submit planning scheme for final queensland government review
Queensland Government approval to adopt and Council adoption and gazettal - indicative timeframe subject to change 

Planning Scheme Maps

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