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Grants & Funding

South Burnett Regional Council Grant Finder

The South Burnett Regional Council is excited to provide the ‘South Burnett Regional Grant Finder’ to all South Burnett businesses, community groups, not-for-profits and individuals.  This site provides a comprehensive list of grant and funding opportunities available to you.  Our free service means you will never miss a grant opportunity again!

Grant finder


Why should you register?

Register to receive emailed alerts for new grants, save your favourites and access tips to help you apply for grants.

More Information:

For more information about using or registering your organisation on the South Burnett Grant Finder, please contact Council on 07 4189 9100.

Community Grants Program

Council adopted the updated Community Grants Program Policy at the General Council Meeting held on Wednesday, 14 December 2022.  This policy outlines the new Community Grants available to individuals and community organisations each financial year.

The Community Grants Program combines all Council’s grant, donation and sponsorship programs so that the process will be easier for Community groups to understand and access, in a fair and equitable way.

Prior to submitting your application, please read through the Community Grant Program Policy (PDF). The Community Grants Program Policy provides a detailed overview of each category and the criteria by which they will be assessed.

  • This grant provides funding to assist not-for-profit community organisations to deliver community events on Australia Day and/or ANZAC Day by sponsoring free community breakfasts. Council will determine on a case by case basis the requirements for acknowledgement of sponsorship. Successful applicants will need to reapply each year for assessment on merit. The fund will provide individual event sponsorship of up to $1,000.

    Applications can be made through out the financial year. Not-for-profit community organisations are permitted to submit one application per event financial year. 

    Apply for Australia Day / Anzac Day funding here.

    Applications will be assessed by the Community Grants Program Assessment Panel against the Community Grants Program Policy based on the Assessment Criteria. A recommendation will be made by the Community Grants Program Assessment Panel with approval by the General Manager Liveability.

  • This grant provides funding to assist not-for-profit community organisations to pay the insurance costs associated with the management of community halls within the South Burnett Regional Council area.

    Community Hall Insurance grant funding will be open throughout the financial year. 

    Apply for this funding here.

    Grants are available for up to $1,000 to eligible applicants.

    Applications will be assessed by the Community Grants Program Assessment Panel against the Community Grants Program Policy based on the Assessment Criteria. A recommendation will be made by the Community Grants Program Assessment Panel with approval by the General Manager Liveability.

    For further information please contact Council on (07) 4189 9100.

  • Section 201(B) Local Government Regulation 2012

    The South Burnett Regional Council has established Councillor Discretionary Funds in support of community purposes and meeting requests for financial assistance from community organisations.

    The following amounts have been allocated in the 2024/25 Budget for each Councillor's Discretionary Fund:

    Mayor Kathy Duff  Mayor $3,000
    Councillor Jane Erkens Division 1 $3,000
    Councillor Linda Little  Division 2 $3,000
    Councillor Danita Potter Division 3 $3,000
    Councillor Deb Dennien  Division 4 $3,000
    Councillor Heath Sander Division 5 $3,000
    Councillor Ros Heit  Division 6 $3,000

    Pursuant to Section 202 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, a Councillor may use any Councillor Discretionary Fund in the following ways:

    • a) spend for a community purpose (i.e., not ongoing expenses such as annual insurance);
    • b) allocate for capital works of the local government that are for a community purpose;
    • c) allocate to a community organisation (a group or individual whose primary object is not to make a  profit) for a community purpose.

    Council’s Councillor Discretionary Fund provides Council with the ability to provide small miscellaneous discretionary grants to eligible not-for-profit community organisations in response to requests which are received from time to time.

    This fund recognises that small activities, projects and events, deserving of support from Council, come up in an ad hoc way throughout the year. Requests for assistance are assessed by the relevant Councillor with approval by the General Manager Community.

    Grants are available for up to a total of $1,000 to eligible applicants.

    Applications can be made throughout the financial year and must be received by Council a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to the activity/event.

    Applicants must indicate on the request if they are seeking support from multiple Councillors Discretionary Funds for the same activity/project/event.

    Apply for Councillor's Discretionary Funds here.

    Requirements for notice of allocation

    In accordance with Section 202A of the Local Government Regulation 2012

    Within 7 business days after a Councillor allocates an amount of discretionary funds under section 202, the Councillor must give the Chief Executive Officer a notice about the allocation stating -

    (a) the amount allocated; and

    (b) the date the amount was allocated; and

    (c) the way in which the amount was allocated; and

    (d) if the amount was allocated to a person or organisation—the name of the person or organisation to whom the allocation was made; and

    (e) the purpose for which the amount was allocated, including sufficient details to identify how the funds were, or are to be, spent. Maximum penalty

    Within 7 business days after the Chief Executive Officer is given a notice under subsection (1), the Local Government must publish the notice on its website.

    Councillor Discretionary Fund - Current Year

    View the 2024-2025 Councillor Discretionary Fund Availability Notice here.

    View the current 2024-2025 Councillor Discretionary Fund Record here.

    Councillor Discretionary Fund - Previous Years

    View previous years Councillor Discretionary Fund information here.

  • The Community Sponsorship rounds are open 1 August - 31 August and 1 February - 28 February of each year.

    This grant provides sponsorship funding to assist not-for-profit community organisations to deliver community events/projects/programs which build community capacity. Council will determine on a case by case basis the requirements for acknowledgement of sponsorship. Successful applicants will need to reapply each year for assessment on merit. The fund will provide individual event/project/program sponsorship of up to $3,000, excluding costs associated with marketing and advertising.

    Applications will be assessed by the Community Grants Program Assessment Panel against the Community Grants Program Policy based on the Assessment Criteria. A recommendation will be made by the Community Grants Program Assessment Panel with approval by the General Manager Liveability.

    Apply for Community Sponsorship here.

    Successful applications submitted in the August Round One (1) each financial year will be announced in October and must have a commencement date no earlier than 1 November.

    Successful applications submitted in the February Round Two (2) each financial year will be announced in April and must have a commencement date no earlier than 1 May.

  • This grant is provided to encourage excellence in sport, the arts and education providing opportunities for the professional development for youth (up to 25 years).

    The grant provides assistance for South Burnett residents to attend competitions or programs representing Queensland or Australia in their chosen performance field (No funding is available for South Burnett or Wide Bay representation levels).

    Successful applicants are only eligible to receive one (1) allocation per financial year and can apply for up to:

    • $500 if representing Queensland; or
    • $500 if representing Australia within Australia: or
    • $1000 if representing Australia competing in another country.

    Applications from multiple members of a team or group will be bundled and considered as a whole with funding available up to $2,000 per team or group.

    Applications will be assessed by the Community Grants Program Assessment Panel against the Community Grants Program Policy based on the Assessment Criteria with approval by the General Manager Liveability.

    Applications can be made throughout the financial year. 

    Apply for an Elite Performance Youth Grant here.

    For further information, please contact Council on phone (07) 4189 9100.

  • This in-kind grant provides sponsorship to assist not-for-profit community organisations to deliver community activities and events which build community capacity.

    In-kind services include:

    • Supply of gazebo marquee imprinted with Council’s branding;
    • Supply of minor works;
    • Supply of road signage and barriers;
    • Supply of skip bins; and/or
    • Supply of wheelie bins.

    Council will determine on a case by case basis the requirements for acknowledgement of sponsorship. The fund will provide individual event sponsorship of up to $2,000.

    The in-kind services provided by Council are dependent on operational priorities, availability of resources and over all annual budget allocation with approval by the General Manager Liveability. Applications can be made throughout the financial year and must be received by Council a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to the activity/event.

    Any requests for additional support in excess of the $2,000 limit must be put in writing to Council and the outcome decided at an Ordinary Meeting of Council. In this case, the application must be received by Council a minimum eight (8) weeks prior to the activity.

    In-kind support costings will be captured and reported in Council’s Annual Report.

    For further information, please contact Council on phone (07) 4189 9100.

    Apply for In-Kind Sponsorship here.

  • This fund recognises that small activities, projects and events, deserving of support from Council, come up in an ad hoc way throughout the year. Requests for assistance are assessed by the Indigenous Affairs Portfolio Councillor with approval by the General Manager Liveability.

    Applications can be made throughout the financial year and must be received by Council a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to the activity/project/event.

    Apply for an Indigenous Affairs Fund Grant here.

  • The Regional Arts Development Fund rounds open are 1 August - 31 August and 1 February - 28 February of each year.

    This fund is a partnership between South Burnett Regional Council and Arts Queensland to:

    Support skills development of South Burnett professional artists, emerging artists and arts practitioners; and

    Increase local participation in the arts in the South Burnett region.

    Please refer to Council’s ‘Regional Arts Development Fund Guidelines’ and discuss your activity with the RADF Liaison Officer prior to completion of an application.

    Availability of this funding is dependent on Council being successful annually with an application to Arts Queensland.

    Applications will be assessed by the Art, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee against the Community Grants Program Policy based on the Assessment Criteria. A recommendation will be made by the Art, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee with approval by the General Manager Liveability.

    The fund will provide two (2) funding rounds in August and February each financial year dependent on Arts Queensland requirements and available funding.

    View the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Guidelines (PDF)

    For further information please contact Council on (07) 4189 9100.

    To apply for this funding click here.

    Regional arts development fund flyer

  • This grant provides sponsorship funding for student awards in conjunction with a school’s annual awards night. Council will determine on a case by case basis the requirements for acknowledgement of sponsorship. Successful applicants will need to reapply each year for assessment on merit. The fund will provide awards sponsorship of up to $300 per school, maximum $150 per award. The awards are to reflect Council’s values of ACHIEVE – Accountability, Community, Harmony, Innovation, Ethical Conduct, Vision and Excellence.

    Applications will be assessed by the Community Grants Program Assessment Panel against the Community Grants Program Policy based on the Assessment Criteria. A recommendation will be made by the Community Grants Program Assessment Panel with approval by the General Manager Liveability.

    Applications can be made throughout the year.  

    Apply for a School Student Awards grant here.

    For further information please contact Council on (07) 4189 9100.

  • Community Grants 2023/24

    A list of successful applicants for Community Grants 2023/24 Round 1 is available here.

    A list of successful applicants for Community Grants 2023/24 Round 2 is available here.

    Community Grants 2022/23 

    A list of successful applicants for Community Grants 2022/23 Round 1 is available here.

    A list of successful applicants for Community Grants 2022/23 Round 2 is available here.

    Community Grants 2020/21 

    A list of successful applicants for Community Grants 2020/21 Round 1 is available here.

    A list of successful applicants for Community Grants 2020/21 Round 2 is available here.

    Successful Community Grants recipients for 2019-20 Round 2 announced 7 May 2020!

    A list of successful applicants for Community Grants 2019/20 Round 2 announced on 7 May 2020 is available here