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Clean Up Australia Day is Sunday 4 March 2018.


There is still time to register a site for Clean Up Australia Day by going to, but you do need to hurry. Alternatively, you could join an already registered site and go

There is still time to register a site for Clean Up Australia Day by going to, but you do need to hurry.

Alternatively, you could join an already registered site and go along on the day to help them clean up that area.

Please note that this year that #SouthBurnett Council has not directly nominated a Council site, however if you contact Council's Waste Services Section on (07) 4189 9100 before the weekend, we can provide a waste collection service on the Monday of any filled Clean Up Australia Day bags for registered sites.

Alternatively, groups and individuals can take the full Clean Up Australia Day bags to any of the Council’s Waste Facilities for free disposal.

On behalf of every Australian, thank you to those who will be participating in the National Clean Up Australia Day campaign.