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Mayor Keith Campbell - Governance & Communication Portfolio Report - 18 April 2018


Preparations 2018/19 budget Council has commenced the preparation of the Budget for the 2018/19 financial year.  We are seeking to obtain a balance between the demand for quality services and the

Preparations 2018/19 budget

Council has commenced the preparation of the Budget for the 2018/19 financial year.  We are seeking to obtain a balance between the demand for quality services and the provision of infrastructure.  A significant amount of groundwork has been undertaken over the past 18 months to provide Council with a more rigorous data set by which to make informed decisions in relation to our future sustainability.  For transparency of decision making in the public interest, where possible over the coming months, Council will provide the community with information as to where Council may land with key elements of the 2018/19 budget.

To this end the Operational Plan 2018/19 is currently in draft ready for discussion with Council.  The operational plan implements the strategic direction from the Corporate Plan and informs the budget process.  It is planned that the operational plan will come to Council for adoption in May.