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Come on Qld! Let’s boost your healthy during COVID-19


Health and Wellbeing Queensland has joined with partners and the community to bring together a range of services and resources that Queenslanders can use to boost their daily activity, healthy eating and wellbeing.

Looking after your health and wellbeing is always important, so here are some great ideas on how you can do this!

Boost your wellbeing

How have you been looking after your wellbeing at home since the COVID-19, tag your Twitter or Insta post #BoostCampQld and show how you are boosting your healthy at home!

Boost your Activity

  • Simple stretches each morning can help you feel fresh and get your blood flowing
  • Go for a walk or run, perfect to get your heart rate up and breath in the fresh air
  • Go for a bike ride, soak in some vitiamin D and immerse yourself in nature
  • Take an online workout class, whether you are interested in yoga or pilates, here is a class for you
  • Limit your sitting time, try setting an alarm every hour to get up and move
  • Have a living room dance party, pop on your favourite playlist and get your sweat on!
  • Do some cleaning, gardening or home maintenace
  • Or go for a swim to get your blood pumping  

Daily Boost

  • Give a wave – say hello to others if your outside exercising, remember to keep a safe distance. You could brighten up their day!                 

Online Meditation Group

Boost your Healthy Eating 

  • Eat foods from the five main food groups
  • Choose fresh fruit and veggies that are in season
  • Plan your week in advance, this can help you buy and eat the right foods
  • Drink more water (add a touch of your favorite frozen fruit such as watermellon and strawberries)
  • Have regular meal times

  For more information on Boost you’re Healthy visit

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