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FREE virtual worm farm and composting workshops


Are you interested in learning about how turning food waste into compost can help your garden as well as the environment?

Did you know that around half of the average wheelie bin is organic material, which can negatively impact the environment when sent to landfill?

South Burnett Regional Council is offering two FREE virtual workshops designed to teach you how to save your food scraps from landfill and turn them into fertiliser.

Attendance for both workshops will be online via Microsoft Teams Live Events, so you can learn about recycling organics from the comfort of your own home! Join us for one, or both of these free sessions:

Introduction to Composting workshop at 10am, Saturday 27 June – to register go to Event Brite.

Introduction to Worm Farming workshop at 11am, Saturday 27 June - to register go to Event Brite.

All you need to join is a device that can access the internet! If you want to learn about worm farming and composting, why not come to both! Bookings are essential so you can receive the online workshop link. Please note, these workshops are targeted for adults, children are welcome to join, but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. BOOK NOW!

For further information contact Council’s Environment and Waste team on 4189 9100 or email.

Online Composting



Worm Farm