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Flood and Road Conditions

Please click the below link to view the current road closures due to flooding for the South Burnett Region.  Ensure to check the times of inspection on the spreadsheet.  Please note conditions can change without warning.

Drivers are urged to:

  • Drive to the conditions of the road
  • Err on the side of caution
  • Never attempt to drive across or through flooded bridges, roads or flood ways
  • If leaving home in this weather, make sure someone knows your movements and time frames
  • Be mindful that potholes and pavement failures may be present and concealed under flood waters or camouflaged by reflections off the water surface at night, ie everything looks black.

Further Information

Interim Floodplain Assessment Overlay

The Premier has recently launched an Interim Floodplain Assessment Overlay Map (Floodplain maps) which can be accessed via the Queensland Reconstruction Authority website. The Floodplain mapping show areas of Queensland where, based on geological evidence, it is known that there has previously been inundation or there is a probable chance of inundation.

The Floodplain maps are supported by the 'Planning for Stronger, More Resilient Floodplains Guideline' and have been derived from overlaying available state-wide information sources, including best available:

  • Drainage location information
  • Contour information (typically 10-metre contours)
  • Satellite imagery (typically Landsat 5)
  • Interpreted or actual flood information from 2010/2011 events
  • Department of Environment and Resource Management gauging station information
  • Pre-clear Vegetation Mapping of Land zone 3 (Alluvium) and Land zone 1 Estuarine and SALI Soil Flooding Limitation Mapping

Given the size of Queensland, there are areas where the mapping is still being produced. The Queensland Reconstruction Authority has established a programme to develop the floodplain maps for the entire State and release them as they become available.

The interactive map also shows Interim Flood Lines for towns and cities affected by flooding in 2010/11.  The Interim Flood Line has been mapped using ultra-high resolution aerial photographs (where available), in combination with Council and community feedback.

Flood Mapping